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We dream of greening up the fashion industry by making it more ethical and sustainable. We would like to connect sustainable producers with engaged customers using 3D and VR/AR technology to reduce waste in the production process. We want the clothes to fit customers’ body (tailor-made and stylish clothes) and values (sustainable and ethical). Using the 3D scan technology, we will create a 3D avatar of the customer and allow the customer to virtually – through our platform – try the clothes on. Until then, the production process has not started so no waste has been created. On top of that, we intend to use sustainable materials and provide ethical labour conditions to our workers.

Download a deck of our work here.

Watch their live pitch here! Or here if you don’t like Facebook.

> Using: AI & Analytics, Bio as Technology, Digital Fabrication, Internet-of-Things, Robotics

If you want to know more about this project, reach out to Annick via

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May 7, 2018

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