

An app aimed to optimize the intervention of first aid in case of physical emergency.

If you (or another person) have an accident or physical discomfort, you can send a simultenous pulse to a social group of paramedics (and first aid certified people) and to emergency services(112).

While emergency services take on average 10 to 11 minutes to reach you, you can send out a pulse to you network that is within a short range (geolocalisation). Benefit: the time scale of first help can be reduced significantly. It can be physical help, but if needed it can be other kind of help (eg. drones).

[Collard Gilles] Witnesses can use the app as well either from their own smartphone or with the smartphone of the victim with the help of an emergency button actionable from the locked screen without the need of a password or fingerprint.

The app will contain a list of the AED existing around. The app can also contain bio data.

The added value of our app, in comparison with other existing lies in :

the scope is not limited to heart attacks or epilepsy but is extended to any kind of physical emergency

We will only use a network of certified first aid

App easily actionable via a button on the locked screen

Double action of the app: sending a pulse to the first aid network and calling 112

This is the app that sends a pulse to the first aid network and not the 112

The app is easily actionable via the locked screen

Light versions can be developed for large companies or big events

Download a deck of our work here.

Using: Internet-of-Things

If you want to know more about this project, reach out to Gilles via gilles.collard@ages.com.


Posted on

May 7, 2018

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