S-Bahn/RER for Brussels

We want to develop a plan how to accelerate the works for the deployment of the S-Bahn (also called RER / GEN) so that it can be fully operational by 2022 (instead of 2030 by current plans). Using: AI & Analytics, Internet-of-Things If you want to know more about...

Pimp your hood!

We want to work with local communities (neighbourhoods) through workshops to find their common needs and desires and work with them to improve their local ‘hood. We want to accomplish this through empowering and inspiring workshops, connecting people and using...


App to connect people to places. A person or group can find the right place for a certain activities (meetings, working or study place, gathering). With this tool places can become polyvalent and used (by using them also after closing time). If you want to know more...


An app aimed to optimize the intervention of first aid in case of physical emergency. If you (or another person) have an accident or physical discomfort, you can send a simultenous pulse to a social group of paramedics (and first aid certified people) and to emergency...

ID Management

How might we monetize our own data? How might we decentralise our data? How might we easily revoke access to our data?

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